Weston Langford Railway Photography

Documenting railways and related infrastructure since 1960

108210: Finch Hatton Cattle Creek Mill No 3 Borsig 4-4-2T ex Irvinebank

108210: Finch Hatton Cattle Creek Mill No 3 Borsig 4-4-2T ex Irvinebank

Date Taken: 2 November 1966

Link to high resolution image: /media/photos/108210.jpg

Country: Australia. State/Region: Queensland.

Cattle Creek Mill's Borsig Locomotive was the only one of its unusual wheel arrangement (4-4-2T), to run on the Queensland Canefields. Originally a tender locomotive it was converted to a tank locmotive shortly after it passed into the hands of Cattle Creek Mill near Finch Hatton. It is now located at the Australian Narrow Gauge Museum Society's site at Woodford near Brisbane.