Weston Langford Railway Photography

Documenting railways and related infrastructure since 1960

110482: Fort Steele BC Passenger Dunrobin

110482: Fort Steele BC Passenger Dunrobin

Date Taken: 20 June 1970

Link to high resolution image: /media/photos/110482.jpg

Country: Canada. State/Region: British Columbia.

0-4-4T Locomotive Dunrobin was manufactured by Sharp Stewart in 1895 for the Duke of Sutherland to run on his private line at Dunrobin Castle in Scotland where it ran until 1920. Between 1965 and 2005 it ran in Canada on a circuit of track at the Fort Steele Historic Park, British Columbia. It has been repatriated to the UK and is under restoration at the Beamish Museum near Newcastle Upon Tyne.